1 (edited by Mc Čun 2009-05-29 09:46:21)

Topic: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Brez da bom zdaj tukaj nekaj nakladal bom nalimal par slikic pa podal link:



Levo je novi Nehalem desno pa E8500.

In seveda ne smejo še manjkati prvi benchmarki kateri seveda še niso na max performance Nehalemov

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17019.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17018.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17016.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17017.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17013.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17014.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17023.png

http://images.anandtech.com/graphs/neha … /17015.png

No naj še izpostavim dejstvo da če ta nehalem naviješ za 20% si v bistvu na nivoju Skulltrail.


Konec koncev je že zdaj Nehalem 20-30% hitrejši od Penryn procesorjev (vsi procesorji z 45nm tehnologijo), ampak poraba je pa samo 10% zvišala.

Full reviev:
http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/in … 26&p=1


Update 6.6.2008

Update Intel Nehalem to allow overclocking, some processors will even encourage it. Začetni procesor bo stal tam nekje 316$.


Full reveiw


Update 7.7.2008

No more FSB. Those who are accustomed to overclocking their motherboards using the FSB, will have to start over and learn the new system. Similar to AMD’s HyperTransport, the QuickPath architecture will feature an integrated memory controller on the CPU and provide direct links between the CPU and system memory.

Because of QuickPath however, we’re able to realize far better performance with wide bandwidth and very low latency. According to Intel, Nehalem will initially come with a 20-bit wide 25.6 GB/sec. QuickPath link, which gives a theoretical 2x performance increase in bandwidth over the 1600MHz FSB currently available on the X48 platform.

Memory support will come in the form of DDR3 with support for 800MHz, 1066MHz and 1333MHz frequencies initially . Total bandwidth will be 32GB/sec. with support for up to 24GB of total system memory initially .

Speaking to other board manufacturers, X58 motherboards are about half-way through testing and validation and by the middle of this month, new revisions may be coming.

Toliko za zdaj wink

http://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel- … ,5829.html

Update 8.8.2008

Novi Nehalemi bodo nosili ime Intel Core i7.

The world’s largest maker of x86 microprocessors also reiterated that its high-end Nehalem microprocessors will have from 2 to 8 cores, triple-channel DDR3 memory controller (with up to 1333MHz clock-speed supported initially), will use Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) bus and will support multi-threading technology similar with Intel HyperTransport that was first unveiled back in 2002 as well as SSE4.2 instructions.

Full review:
http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/displa … Chips.html


Update 20.8.2008

Nehalem is about improving HPC, Database and virtualization performance, much less about gaming performance. Maybe this will change once games get some heavy physics threads, but not right away.

Full review:


Intel’s upcoming Core i7 processors will feature a turbo mode, as announced on Day 1 of IDF. Leaked information also indicates that production CPUs will selfhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Self  overclock by up to two speed bins — for example jumping from 3 GHz to 3.2 GHz or even 3.4 GHz.

Full review:
http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Turbo- … ,6193.html


Update 21.8.2008

The mass market will not be seeing Nehalem processors for at least nine months. yikes

Full article:
http://www.tomshardware.com/news/IDFFal … ,6207.html


Update 6.10.2008

More bad news:

Performance DDR3 memory that requires a voltage higher than 1.65V may permanently damage Core i7 CPUs.
Article: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Nehale … ,6446.html


Update 7.10.2008

Bodoči lastniki Core i7 začnite pospešeno šparati denar big_smile , saj so te dni objavili cene za X58 plate in je trenutno najcenejša plata 227€ yikes

Full article
http://www.tomshardware.com/news/X58-Pr … ,6453.html


Update 3.11.2008

In depth analysis of the upcoming Core i7.
Review: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/Int … ,2057.html

No kot se je izkazalo je zaradi pomankanja konkurence Intel omejil strastne overclockerje sad

Update 29.5.2009

Intel se je odločil da bo malce spremenil Core i7 ponudbo in sicer z Core i7 950 in Core i7 975. Ta dva CPUja bi naj zamenjala Core i7 940 in Core i7 965. Cene bi se naj gibale za 975 cca med $1,100 in $1,129 za 950 pa med $649. V USA bi naj prišli na trg 31. maja.

http://www.slashgear.com/intel-core-i7- … r-2845001/


1. septembra bi naj tudi prišli na tržišče prvi core i5 CPUji in obenem tudi matične plošče z P55 chipsetom. Cena teh plat bi naj bila podobna kot so sedaj za malo boljše P45.

http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2 … n-1st-se/1


Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Update. A je tako boljše 51M3K? wink

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

tejle nehalemi so zverine big_smile

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

*me wants*

ja, moj comp bo imel Intel Bloomfield kot procesor. Sem se že odločila. xD

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

kaaaaaj???? 9 mescov?? omg!!!!!!

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

In kaj naredimo tisti, ki smo mislili ravno sedaj kupiti racunalnik, z mislimi, da pocakamo na Nehalem-e???
Se lahko ze kupijo maticna plosca pa to, da bo pripravljeno, da bi npr. potem samo prosecor zamenjal (iz core2duo na nehalema), ker kolikor sem gledal je podnozje drugacno....

7 (edited by Mc Čun 2008-09-09 22:17:54)

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Če bi jaz bil na tvojem mestu bi si sedaj kupil en komp za max 800€ in potem počakal kakšne dve leti da se vse skupaj malce poceni in da se morebitni hrošči odpravijo potem pa navalit na nehalem. Zdaj plate bodo prišle enkrat to leto vendar bodo pomojem svinsko drage in vprašanje kako bo kaj špilalo vse skupaj glede na to da bo prva generacija Nehalemov striktno serverski procesorji. Pa na teh novih platah ti kakšen C2D ali C2Q nebo špilal, tako da če nimaš namena vstran vreči denarja bo boljše da počakaš z Core i7 wink

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Update wink

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Huh tejle nehalemi so kr dragi pa osnovne uf pa se DDR3 mors nabavt zravn pod 1300€ sploh ne mors dobit compa z Nehalemom me zanima ce je res tok vredn?? Kdaj naj bi prišlo še več nehalemov ?

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Nehalem se trenutno najbolj splača če imaš 3-way SLI ali CF ali pa quad SLI ali CF. Drugače saj so do neke mere boljši od C2D in C2Q ampak enostavno ne moreš upravičiti visoke cene teh stvari. Dvomim da bo kaj več teh Core i7 ker so ti namreč namenjeni za serverske mašine, desktop procesorji bi naj prišli jeseni (mogoče tudi z novim podnožjem) wink

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

No 18. januarja se lahko pričakuje pocenitev od Intela, vsaj za quade wink


12 (edited by Mc Čun 2009-01-20 22:35:21)

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Pocenitve so tukaj (vsaj v USA zaenkrat):


http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Intel- … ,6862.html

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

A se kaj ve kdaj pridejo ven novi xeoni (gainestown)?

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

To leto kaj bolj podrobno pa nisem zasledil wink

Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Pocenitve in prihajajoči Intelovi CPUji:


http://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel- … ,7326.html


Re: Intel Nehalem procesorji

Update wink